Thrift Shop
The Davis Monthan Thrift Shop is a non-profit organization supporting Davis-Monthan families through scholarships and charity.
The Thrift Shop, partner non-profit to the Davis Monthan Spouses’ Club, is run by dedicated management, club members and community volunteers. All profits from the Thrift Shop go toward scholarships and other charitable grants.
REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS: 9AM-2PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and the 1st Saturday of the month
(The Thrift Shop may close the month of July, the week of Thanksgiving and two weeks in December.)
LOCATION: 5950 E. Quijota Blvd on Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Building 6040
(The old shoppette in base housing, across from the Youth Center)
PHONE: (520) 207-9275
Visit the Thrift Shop to…
SHOP: The Thrift Shop continually updates its inventory based on donations and consignments. Visit each regular business day to catch featured items and holiday decor, costumes, and crafts. Check our Facebook page, DavisMonthanThriftShop, to see current items, special sales and Saturday openings.

Want to donate materials and items to offset our business expenses?
CONSIGN: The Thrift Shop accepts consignments 9:00am to 12:30pm on regular business days. New consignors must complete an application and W-9 prior to placing their first contract. Call or check our Facebook page, DavisMonthanThriftShop, for a current list of item restrictions (updated daily).
**Now Available!** Print your consignment contract from home to have your paperwork completed before you arrive at the Thrift Shop. When you bring a contract and items to consign, there is a $.50 Consignment Processing Fee to be paid at that time.
VOLUNTEER: Come and join the Thrift Shop Volunteer Team! You can assist consignors, checkout customers, sort donations, manage inventory and/or arrange merchandise! Volunteers are required to wear closed-toe shoes and appropriate attire at all times. When a volunteer signs up for a shift, they will be sent our volunteer application and waiver to complete prior to the shift. Dependents, 16 and older, may volunteer without a parent present. For ages 12 and up, Management needs to pre-approve younger volunteers with supervision.
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator with questions or to sign up for a shift.
Please stop by or contact the Davis Monthan Thrift Shop Manager with any questions!